- 1) Do not eat, drink, smoke or chew gum for 30 minutes before collecting samples.
- 2) The swab tips should not come into contact with any surface other that the inside of the cheek at any point before, during or after collection
- 3) Move the swab up and down while also rotating. It's very important to rotate the swab with your fingers.
- 4) Allow the swab to dry before storing. At least one hour.

- 2023-02-24 14:14:15
- DNA Test - Paternity
How are the results of a DNA paternity test presented and how can I interpret them?
The results of a paternity test include a list noting the different DNA markers tested (the DNA profile), the Probability of Paternity, and a value for the Combined Paternity Index (listed as PI in the table at the top of the page, upper left) indicates the strength of the match at each Locus (DNA location). The DNA profile is the raw data on which the statistical calculations are made.
The results are interpreted as follows:
If a man is considered the biological father, the report contains the following:
A concluding statement that the alleged father is NOT Excluded as the biological father of the tested child. This means that he cannot be ruled out statistically and is considered the biological father of the child.
A combined paternity index (CPI), which is the probability that the man is the father of the child. For example, a CPI of 43,110,000 means that there is a 43,110,000 to 1 chance that someone other than the man who was tested is the biological father.
A probability of paternity, which is the chance, given as a percentage, that the man is the father. In general, it is 99.9% or more, which would read: there is a 99.9% probability that this man is the biological father of the child.
If a man IS NOT considered the biological father, the report contains the following:
A concluding statement that the alleged father is “Excluded” as the biological father of the tested child. This means that you are not considered the biological father.
A combined paternity index Combined Paternity Index (CPI), which is the probability that the man is the father of the child. For an exclusion, this number is always 0
A probability of paternity, which is the chance, given as a percentage, that the man is the father. For an exclusion, this number is always 0.
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DNA sampling - Kit
DNA Test
DNA Test - Paternity
DNA testing grandparents grandchildren
DNA Tests - Judicial Proceedings
Frequently asked questions and answers
Glossary of specific terms
Maternity DNA tests
NON - invasive Prenatal DNA
Sibling DNA testing
Uncles-nephews DNA tests
Popular articles

How it works

Step 1 - Order your kit.
Click ORDER NOW, place your order and you will receive the sample collection kit in a couple of days.
Please contact us at 1-877-219-4485 or WhatsApp +1 647 455 0443 if you are having any troubles ordering.

Step 2 - Take the samples.
Collect the swab samples from the test participants.
Please Watch This Video.

Step 3 - Send the samples to us by mail
Place each pair of swabs in different envelopes (parent / child), then place the two smaller envelopes inside the larger envelope and mail it to the address specified in the instructions.

Step 4 - DNA analysis of your saliva samples in our laboratory
Once we receive the samples, we will send you an email to confirm the reception of the samples and proceed to perform the DNA test in our laboratory . You can follow up online at any time using your unique access code to know the progress status of the DNA study.

Step 5 - Receive your results.
Receive your certified results by email, usually about three days, after your samples arrive at the Lab.