- 1) Do not eat, drink, smoke or chew gum for 30 minutes before collecting samples.
- 2) The swab tips should not come into contact with any surface other that the inside of the cheek at any point before, during or after collection
- 3) Move the swab up and down while also rotating. It's very important to rotate the swab with your fingers.
- 4) Allow the swab to dry before storing. At least one hour.

- 2022-09-25 06:31:10
- DNA Test - Paternity
What is possible and what not to know through a paternity test?
Here we will deal with some slogans about what you can know through a DNA paternity test, and what you will not be able to know through it For this occasion, we will deal with both cases, and we will put some answers to frequently asked questions about events that usually happen, when to go to collect saliva samples, as well as to know if the father can reject a paternity test, or No. In this post we will answer you about all this.
What can you know from a paternity test?
The paternity test will tell you if the man being tested is the biological father of the child being tested.

relationships between two or more people.
Once the DNA profiles of the participants (alleged father and the son or daughter) are established, the results are calculated using tried and true statistics. Such test results will generally yield a probability of paternity of 99.9% or higher, when a man is considered to be the biological father of the tested child, and 0% if DNA data shows that the man is not considered to be the biological father. .
The sex of the paternity test participants
One of the many DNA markers controlled by our laboratory during paternity tests is the "Amelogenin" or sexual gene. In this report, it is displayed as XX for females and XY for males. This is a useful process for several reasons. For example, if the child is assumed to be male and this verification shows that the child's sample is from a female, the laboratory may contact the customer for clarification to ensure that the correct samples have been submitted.

When sending saliva samples to the laboratory, be careful
when storing them, as it can waste time and money.
Sometimes customers accidentally mislabel samples and this process can catch this error. Please, when sending the samples, consider this to avoid making mistakes and not wasting time, thus obtaining your results efficiently.
What can´t you know with a paternity test?
This can happen if an alleged father sent someone else's samples instead of his own. If you carry out the test with a reliable and prestigious laboratory, you can be absolutely sure and calm that the results obtained are highly accurate for the samples that are given to the laboratory. But there are some parts of the test that may be outside the control of the laboratory. Let's see some cases that can occur in this regard...
When testing at home, the identities of the participants are not verified by an impartial outside party or witness
For this reason, paternity testing will not determine whether the sample sent to the possible father is actually yours or whether sent someone else's. Similarly, a mother can submit the DNA of her friend's child instead of collecting a sample for her own child.
The laboratory cannot police this type of fraud and must assume in good faith that the submitted samples really belong to whom the participants say they belong to.When testing at home, it's best if all participants can collect their DNA in the same room, watch each other seal envelopes, and drop them off at the post office together.

Be responsible and serious when taking the test.
If this is not possible, it may be advisable to pay a little more for a legal paternity test in which all DNA collection and submission to the laboratory is supervised by an authorized witness. An added benefit of this type of test is that the results can be used in court.
Another factor: The age of the participants
Sometimes, if there are two alleged fathers in a case who share a parent/child relationship, it is assumed that paternity can be determined based on the fact that the father's "DNA age" would be older than his child's. The only way to determine a person's age based on their DNA would be to compare a sample taken at birth with a current sample. And even that would be an educated guess.
Something else to add: The paternity determination of whether the alleged fathers are identical twins.
Identical twins have identical DNA, so it is impossible to determine paternity using affordable paternity tests at this time. To find differences between them, all their genomes would have to be sequenced, that is, about six billion markers, which would be very expensive!.
Finally: A probability of a biological relationship other than parent/child.
Paternity tests are just that: DNA tests between a possible father and a child. It does not determine if the tested man is an uncle, brother, grandfather, cousin, etc. A more complete analysis is required to prove this type of biological relationship and is called a family reconstruction test.
I want to carry out the DNA test, where can i go to collect a sample?

Remember, count on us. Our work is based on quality, professionalism and customer satisfaction.
Is it possible that the father can refuse to take the DNA paternity test?

The father may refuse, although he may face strong legal consequences for doing so.
When the Paternity Test is not an option
If the alleged father is not available for paternity testing, the next best option is to DNA test the parents of the alleged biological father (alleged grandmother and alleged grandfather) with the child. If the child becomes a minor, the consent of his legal guardian is an essential requirement and without exception.
frequently asked questions and answers, suitable to answer your questions.
We also recommend testing the child's mother in any of our DNA testing processes. If only one of the grandparents is available for DNA testing, a single grandparent DNA test is an option, however, it is important that the child's mother also performs the test, in order to achieve conclusive results.
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Maternity DNA tests
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How it works

Step 1 - Order your kit.
Click ORDER NOW, place your order and you will receive the sample collection kit in a couple of days.
Please contact us at 1-877-219-4485 or WhatsApp +1 647 455 0443 if you are having any troubles ordering.

Step 2 - Take the samples.
Collect the swab samples from the test participants.
Please Watch This Video.

Step 3 - Send the samples to us by mail
Place each pair of swabs in different envelopes (parent / child), then place the two smaller envelopes inside the larger envelope and mail it to the address specified in the instructions.

Step 4 - DNA analysis of your saliva samples in our laboratory
Once we receive the samples, we will send you an email to confirm the reception of the samples and proceed to perform the DNA test in our laboratory . You can follow up online at any time using your unique access code to know the progress status of the DNA study.

Step 5 - Receive your results.
Receive your certified results by email, usually about three days, after your samples arrive at the Lab.