- 1) Do not eat, drink, smoke or chew gum for 30 minutes before collecting samples.
- 2) The swab tips should not come into contact with any surface other that the inside of the cheek at any point before, during or after collection
- 3) Move the swab up and down while also rotating. It's very important to rotate the swab with your fingers.
- 4) Allow the swab to dry before storing. At least one hour.

- 2022-09-22 22:48:16
- Uncles-nephews DNA tests
Uncles and nephews test. What is possible to do and what is not?
Although we have already talked about several specific topics, about the paternity, maternity, grandparent, sibling and uncle and nephew tests, now we will bring you details about the situations that usually appear, about of DNA genetic testing between uncles and nephews. We are going to answer some questions so that you stay calm and can carry out your test, with total safety and calm.
These questions are the ones that our clients have generally asked us on previous occasions, and they are the ones that usually appear when taking a test, but without first resolving the doubts that people personally have, they need to know.
Here are some of the most frequently asked and common questions that people often ask. Also, remember that, through our laboratories, you always have personalized attention, the lowest prices in the market, follow-up before and after having made the purchase order of the test you have chosen to obtain, and also, you obtain the most precise results, thanks to the professionalism of our laboratory scientists, as well as the state-of-the-art equipment that we use to analyze the samples that you take from home, or when you decide to come to our laboratories to carry out the sampling in person.

Our experts are highly professional in analyzing the DNA samples you send us.
Remember that we receive more DNA samples through the saliva sample with the cotton buccal swab, since it is a quick, easy and painless procedure for you.
If you do not remember how to do it correctly, we will leave the instructions here:
If you need to know other types of DNA tests, what they are and what they are for, we leave you the links below. Also, we will put the WhatsApp number to place the order as well as the link to order through the page.
Remember that we work with a network of laboratories throughout America. And if you are living abroad, don't worry, because you can send us the samples through the post office, and build the DNA kit at home, with simple materials, which will be more dynamic, easy and cheap.
Let's start by asking ourselves...
Do girls share more DNA with their paternal aunts than with their maternal aunts? This is true?
The quick answer is that niece share a little more DNA on average with their maternal aunts. Due to some randomness and serendipity in the way DNA is inherited, this will not always be true. The niece shares slightly more DNA with her mother's sister than her father's sister.
To explain this, we need to take a quick step back and show why the granddaughter is generally more directly related to her paternal grandmother. Then we can confirm that, in this way, she is more related to her maternal aunt. everything has to
do with the X and Y chromosomes, and the exchange of DNA between both parties.

Paternal aunts share a more identical structure than maternal aunts,
due to the high percentage of genes from the father.
For an avuncular DNA test, is it possible to test first cousins ​​or second cousins ​​instead of an aunt or uncle?
The answer is no. Cousin involvement is not useful for paternal DNA testing or any other type of parentage testing, as the percentage of DNA they can share with the child is almost nil.
What if the paternal aunt is not a full sister of the possible father?
It is not possible for us to perform a DNA test if you are half siblings of a possible father. It must be a full sibling relationship for conclusive results. The participants in the test must be the child, the sister or brother of the possible father and the mother of the child.

The father's half-siblings cannot be tested for DNA. They must be full siblings.
Can you do a DNA test with a cousin?
Of course!. The cousin test can show whether two people are biological first cousins: first cousins ​​share a set of maternal or paternal grandparents, but they are not siblings. Testing providers require a buccal swab using the cotton swabs we announced earlier in this article; after this, the samples are compared to see if there is a genetic match.
Now, what could happen if two possible parents of the child are related to each other?
Because possible related parents share some of their genetic markers by inheritance, they are more difficult to distinguish than between possible unrelated parents.
To give an example, a man shares 50% (1 in 2) of his inherited genetic markers with his biological father, siblings, and children, and 25% (1 in 4) of his inherited genetic markers with his grandparents, uncles, and uncles. biological uncles, nephews and half-siblings.
If both possible parents are identical twins, genetic testing cannot tell them apart. Standard statistical analysis of DNA test results assumes that other possible fathers are not related to the man tested. If there is reason to believe otherwise, we must inform ourselves so that appropriate statistical tests and analyzes can be carried out.

When two possible parents share the same DNA
with the child, the results are analyzed with caution.
Legal Evidence vs. Unlawful Evidence
With a paternity test we can confirm or rule out whether a given individual is biologically related to another, and they are generally requested for two reasons:
- The only difference in the process between an at-home (non-legal) paternity test and a legal paternity test is how the DNA sample is collected.
- Once these arrive at the laboratory, the testing process is identical.
A non-legal paternity test can be anonymous: the laboratory only analyzes the biological relationship between two samples received and has no control or certainty where the samples come from, since it is allowed to take the sample at home and the origin of these samples is responsibility of the person who takes them. Therefore, it seeks to know if there is any family relationship such as fatherhood, grandfatherhood, brotherhood and motherhood.
However, the proof of information, in this case, does not have any legal validity for any procedure, demand or procedure for which it is to be used.

Legal benefits when carrying out
legal processes in favor of your son or daughter.
Non-legal paternity test, self-knowledge or individuals
This test has advantageous options:
- It does not require identification documentation of the people who take the test.
- It's cheaper.
- The results are ready in a very short time.
- It is completely confidential, and private.
- You can order the sample collection kit and do it in a private way.
- The result can be used as evidence to start a legal trial.
The results are delivered ONLY to the requesting person.
In the legal paternity test, a very strict protocol is carried out for taking a sample where it is documented and carried out in front of witnesses. In addition, the chain of custody must be taken care of and a series of procedures must be followed to ensure the integrity and reliability of the result. Therefore, during a legal DNA paternity test, the sample collector must also verify the identities of all parties tested.
This includes verification with photo ID or other legal document. This verification process provides the necessary documentation for the DNA paternity test results to be legally defensible. In the case of legal evidence, at the end there is not only a report, but an extensive and detailed opinion of the case made by the laboratory expert.

Our laboratory has the highest technology
for the study of saliva samples, and the most qualified professionals.
Legal Paternity Test
The legal paternity test is requested for various reasons, among which are:
- Acknowledgment or ignorance of paternity to establish a pension. alimony, change of surnames, among others.
- Family heirlooms.
- Immigration procedures, where it is requested to verify the family bond.
- Custody of the minor.

You can through the uncle and nephew test know
if your alleged niece has the same genetic code as her brother or not.
Make an appointment today with our expert representatives, and they will direct you to the laboratory closest to your area: +1 647 455 0443
We provide personalized attention to our clients in three languages: English, French and Spanish. Ask your question, it's not a hassle. Remember, we are here to help you. If you need any particular questions, you can leave your comment below this article. We will respond to you shortly.
Thank you for choosing us!

Our offices are waiting for you. Contact us and get quality,
good price and accessibility.
You may also be interested in this:
- How to perform a DNA paternity test in California? How much is it?
- Carry out a DNA Maternity test, why is this important, and what does it consist of?
- How does the paternity test work in our laboratories?
- Use of DNA evidence for legal reasons and other matters related to justice.
- How do I read my DNA Sibling Test results report?
- Make your own DNA Test Kit - Step by step from scratch
DNA sampling - Kit
DNA Test
DNA Test - Paternity
DNA testing grandparents grandchildren
DNA Tests - Judicial Proceedings
Frequently asked questions and answers
Glossary of specific terms
Maternity DNA tests
NON - invasive Prenatal DNA
Sibling DNA testing
Uncles-nephews DNA tests
Popular articles

How it works

Step 1 - Order your kit.
Click ORDER NOW, place your order and you will receive the sample collection kit in a couple of days.
Please contact us at 1-877-219-4485 or WhatsApp +1 647 455 0443 if you are having any troubles ordering.

Step 2 - Take the samples.
Collect the swab samples from the test participants.
Please Watch This Video.

Step 3 - Send the samples to us by mail
Place each pair of swabs in different envelopes (parent / child), then place the two smaller envelopes inside the larger envelope and mail it to the address specified in the instructions.

Step 4 - DNA analysis of your saliva samples in our laboratory
Once we receive the samples, we will send you an email to confirm the reception of the samples and proceed to perform the DNA test in our laboratory . You can follow up online at any time using your unique access code to know the progress status of the DNA study.

Step 5 - Receive your results.
Receive your certified results by email, usually about three days, after your samples arrive at the Lab.