Listing: Articles Categories New Article
Id Title Status Article Category Created Modified Actions
85  Is it possible to take a DNA test on a newborn baby?  Approved   NON - invasive Prenatal DNA 2023-02-24 14:25:06  2023-02-24 14:31:14 
13  test  Not approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2022-09-03 22:15:38  2022-09-05 20:45:21 
18  How to do a DNA paternity test in the US? how much does it cost to do it?  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2022-09-12 23:33:53  2022-09-19 23:14:09 
23  How does the paternity test work in our laboratories?  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2022-09-19 23:03:45  2022-09-21 21:18:51 
25  How to perform a DNA paternity test in California? How much is it?  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2022-09-21 22:38:27  2022-09-22 01:47:12 
27  What is possible and what not to know through a paternity test?  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2022-09-25 06:31:10  2022-09-25 21:31:35 
28  About DNA Samples and Client Data Privacy  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2022-09-26 14:23:41  2022-09-26 14:23:41 
29  DNA Paternity Test: rights, obligations of the alleged father and of the plaintiffs.  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2022-09-29 21:51:38  2022-09-29 21:51:38 
34  Interpretation of paternity test results.  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2022-10-05 22:43:19  2022-10-06 22:36:21 
39  Can a paternity DNA test be performed when the father has already died?  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2022-12-14 15:00:39  2022-12-27 15:30:39 
48  How old must the child be to perform the paternity test at home?  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2022-12-21 15:29:43  2022-12-27 15:39:07 
50  What happens if I want to perform a paternity test with an alleged father or more than one?  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2022-12-21 15:52:21  2022-12-27 15:43:21 
73  Can drugs affect DNA paternity test results?  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2023-02-02 15:52:06  2023-02-02 15:52:06 
76  How is DNA collected for a paternity test?  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2023-02-08 16:11:45  2023-02-08 16:11:45 
78  Can it affect the results of the DNA test if I have or had any operation or medical condition?  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2023-02-16 22:45:10  2023-02-16 23:05:46 
79  How long do DNA samples last before they are sent to the laboratory?  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2023-02-16 22:53:40  2023-02-16 22:53:40 
82  Do I need a doctor's order or a lawyer's document to perform a paternity test?  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2023-02-24 14:09:13  2023-02-24 14:09:13 
83  How are the results of a DNA paternity test presented and how can I interpret them?  Approved   DNA Test - Paternity 2023-02-24 14:14:15  2023-02-24 14:14:15 
35  DNA test near me. Useful information for the user.  Approved   DNA Test 2022-10-12 23:26:53  2022-10-13 21:45:06 
37  What is the difference between an aabb accredited paternity test and a non-accredited paternity test?  Approved   DNA Test 2022-10-19 22:41:33  2022-10-20 01:01:43